Ortodokse ikoner vises frem

TO GO WITH STORY BY ALBION LAND Icons are displayed in the "Russian and Greek Icons and Works of Art" exhibition in Nicosia on November 23, 2010, ahead of an auction of some 160 of the works, some 160 icons with a value in excess of 1.3 million. AFP PHOTO/PATRICK BAZ
TO GO WITH STORY BY ALBION LAND Icons are displayed in the "Russian and Greek Icons and Works of Art" exhibition in Nicosia on November 23, 2010, ahead of an auction of some 160 of the works, some 160 icons with a value in excess of 1.3 million. AFP PHOTO/PATRICK BAZ.

IKONER BLIVER i forbindelse med en stor udstilling med over 150 russiske og græske ikoner og kunstværker vist frem i den cypriotiske by Nicosia. – Foto: Patrick Baz/AFP/Scanpix.